2020 has just begun, and the Gomel Distillery Radamir has already passed a serious professional test. We are talking about winning the reputable international competition “Eurasia Spirits Drinks”, which was held in Moscow from January 28 to February 13. Before the experts of the professional competition, the products were presented by participants from 10 countries at once: Russia, Finland, Latvia, China, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan.
Just the other day, the expert council of the competition announced the results. The laureates in the nomination “Standard segment”, who received GOLD, became vodka “Countryman Original” and “Countryman Classic”. And in the nomination "Special Vodkas" GOLD - vodka "Countryman VIP".
In the special categories of the professional competition, there were some new products from the end of 2019. Vodka "Countryman Original", "Countryman Classic" and "Countryman VIP" replenished the collection of prizes in the nomination "Choice of networks" and brought the company immediately THREE GOLDEN medals.

The Eurasia Spirits Drinks competition was held for the first time, but it became a bright event in the professional and production life of enterprise specialists. But that is not all.
Also, Gomel Distillery Radamir OJSC took part in the Prodexpo 2020 exhibition, which was held in Moscow from February 10 to 14.
Within the framework of the exhibition, Radamir won a bright victory in the international competition "Best Product - 2020". The good name and many years of experience of their creators upheld 6 products at once. GOLD medals went to 6 brands:
● vodka "Countryman Classic", vodka "Countryman Original", vodka "Radamir" Limited Edition ", vodka" Black Pearl ";
● special vodka "Countryman VIP";
● balmsam "Black Pearl".

Achievements of "Radamir" - the result of a long and painstaking work of the enterprise team, as well as the introduction of innovative methods of production development.